After a pause, I explained, "When I make sharingan, my reading ability will change from strengthening to idiosyncrasies, and at the same time, these eyes also give me control. My ability is temporarily suspended and blurred, and I will become like this because of overexertion of these two abilities."

In that case, why do you make this ability? Kim looked at him and said, "And how did you get your eyes?" "I’m going to ask you this." Kim "Ask me?" "Of course, because it’s natural, but you can also regard these eyes as a specialty of the dark continent." Gold a surprised "how do […]


“呵呵原始大陆几位人杰居然都倒省了我们兄弟二人一一寻找” 半中黑白二使联袂跨出虚突然手掌一挥三道掌印分别向姑射宝宝、东皇和应月拍去! 三人大惊急忙鼓荡所有修施展出最强神通抵抗 三人硬结一掌后身躯微微晃动却将这三道掌印硬接来脸露出惊疑不定色 “黑白二使!”东皇眼中露出震惊色低呼道 他显然曾经见过这两人不过千年前东皇修远不如如今强横未曾接这二人一击因此没有资格前往渡天大世界 “不坏” 黑白二使对视一眼三面金色令牌飞落入三人手中黑使神人冷冰冰道“三位今年正月初六便是渡天圣山开启日你们带着渡天令前往渡天大世界自然有人接待” 白使看向洛花音笑眯眯道“丫头还记得我么?你次偷偷溜到我门中想要偷宝打算扛走我神像还是我把你惊走” 姑射宝宝瞠目结舌呆呆看着他迟疑道“这位尊神咱们曾经见过?我曾经偷过许多神宝贝儿是不记得哪里偷过你” "You stole from me and don’t remember who I am?" That white mask is all black. A cold sweat broke out on the baby’s forehead. "I can’t remember stealing too much …" White makes the mask of the man of God as black as coke, […]

I looked at him and his nose was a little sour. How long has it been since I felt the hand ring? He pouted and said, "Do I want to be with you?"

His eyes were slightly bent, and his eyes were full of tenderness, stroking my short hair. "You can’t be too good to you, and you will be exposed." "Ha ha, I don’t expose other people’s homes, I expose you …" Then I stood on tiptoe and gently sucked on his lips, and then I looked […]

"What should I do for you?" Feng Qianqian obviously can’t give up.

"All right, don’t make so much noise. They are all friends." Little red elephant squeezed in to stop the fight, but was soon squeezed out. A group of people surrounded Feng Qianqian also really made people worry. "Hey, what are you doing?" When Zhou Xu saw that someone was going to bully Feng Qianqian, he […]

Sun Hao divided this step into two stages.

The first stage is to get all the elixirs filled. It is not clear what kind of characteristics and efficacy the liquid medicine prepared before this stage is completed. It is really premature to think about how to synthesize the liquid medicine into a panacea. The correct cultivation method should be to start practicing the […]

"Dad said that he would come again when I was twenty-five years old, and grandma would definitely wait until goodbye." Grandma’s words made my eyes sour.

I clearly know that grandma is worried that she will suffer from the scourge and that one day it will be effective. "Maybe, Xiao Ran, tell grandma what happened to your father. Grandma wants to live in vain and doesn’t want to be kept in the dark all the time." Grandma opened her eyes and […]

Luo Qima understood Yip hon’s meaning and immediately sent the order.

A few minutes later, members of the secret service team rushed to the bottom cabin. Dozens of people floated around in the gravity cabin, and yip hon was surrounded everywhere like a ball. Yip hon floating in the middle of a few mid-team leader before him. There have also been some changes in the secret […]

I’m a little scared when I listen to Mu Yin’s words. Is he trying to tell me that it’s your responsibility to save the world?

"I didn’t think what you were going to do. What you have to do now is to find a way to live on your own. What I can’t help you is in your body. I think you should understand what they want to study from you?" Mu Yin’s words are very direct and have no […]

"The situation of the sisters is a bit complicated. You will know later. It is not suitable to tell you right now. Guess who I called this time?"

For Qingqing’s situation here, he always kept a high degree of attention and sent his own eyes to listen for the news. I heard that an imperial envoy went to Lady Qing’s room and there was no brotherhood of the Wolf. It should not be to hit people, but these people were a little uneasy. […]

Even the most timid and despicable people in the scene can’t do such a trivial thing! What’s worse, the heroic and merciful saint?

And just then Cedric had another word. "The benevolent saints may not be interested in secular struggle, but they dared to turn Douala into a human purgatory, which finally angered the saints!" Everyone’s confusion is solved! Yes, the Holy One is not timid and wretched, but because his messengers are not interested in the struggle […]